Church of Sant’Eusebio in Cinisello Balsamo

Church of Sant’Eusebio in Cinisello

The oldest church on sacred ground in Cinisello

The Church of Sant’Eusebio in Cinisello Balsamo during the #italiagrandsketchingtour.

After the square I went to search for the Church of Sant’Eusebio that Rebecca told me to be the most ancient place in town. The church is from the VII century, but this is a sacred place since the foundation of the town. Here laid the decumano, the Roman street that divided the area after they conquered the area from the celts. I could feel the energy of the old times here. I felt compelled to stop and I had a great painting session. I love this painting because for me it express all the peace I was feeling while doing it.

Reflections on painting: what I want to achieve

After painting I entered the church and I decided to take the time to journal about my project and about my art. I see deeply now how my mission is developing. I want for my art to be a vessel to bring joy, calm, love and a feeling of safety and hope for the future to those who observe it. 

I want to infuse my work with those feelings for myself and for all  the people that get in contact with it because I really believe the change is possible within us and I want to do it one painting at a time.

Also, I started thinking about my love for art and watercolor. In particular I thought how I love watercolor because it teaches you the rhythm of life. When you paint and you are in the flow you need maximum concentration, not to control the water and the paint but to work with it and follow its lead. It’s like surrendering to the water.  And then you have the time to relax, to wait for the water to dry and to reflect on what to do next. And then the flow starts again. Watercolor is like a dance! It is like making love to life through falling into its rhythm.

Title of the painting ‘Church of Sant’Eusebio in Cinisello Balsamo’

This is a painting from the Italia Grand Sketching Tour Collection, a series of original ink and watercolor paintings done on location during my tour to discovery the  marvelous Italian heritage.  The painting is also featured in the book about my motorbike Italian tour “Italia Grand Sketching Tour“, available in Italian and English. 

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